Because we are nonprofit, our work depends on donations from individuals, families, and organizations. Please, consider making a donation. If you're in the United States, your donation is tax deductible. Thank you for your continued support.
Here are several ways to make a donation.
For personal checks, send to:
Mecca Institute
P.O. Box 26022
Washington, DC 20001
To send PayPal donation, Click Here.
To send credit card donation, Click Here.
For international wire donations. send to:
Bank of America Routing No. ABA 081904808 Account. No. 2910-3054-7164 Name of Organization: MECCA Institute
Bank Address: Ban of America 100 North Tryon Street, Charlotte, NC 28255
Our Address: MECCA Institute P.O. Box 26022 Washington, DC 20001 USA
Thank you for supporting our work.
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