"Sufi Resources" by Rahal Eks - Below are some resources to accompany this short course.
The Sufis by Idries Shah - What is Sufism? The book follows the Sufi principle of ‘scatter’ in answering this unanswerable question. It deliberately shies away from offering an ordered definition. Instead, it throws out ideas. Like fragments of light on dust particles, they reveal the shape of something intangible. Neither emotionalist nor academic, this book offers the closest thing a written work can to an experience of Sufism. When it came out in 1964 it was incredibly influential, attracting admirers such as Robert Graves (who wrote the introduction), Ted Hughes and Doris Lessing. It’s the most important modern book written on Sufism. A must-read for any serious student of Sufi thought. Amazon link - https://www.amazon.com/Sufis-Idries-Shah/dp/1784790001/
Course of the Seeker by Omar Ali Shah - Ever since its first publication in 1988, this book has become recognized as a major document in 20th C Sufism, being one of the first books in which one can actually witness the process of a spiritual teaching taking place. What we have is a series of edited transcripts of a Sufi teacher talking to his pupils and laying down a baseline of references that can be incorporated into our own way of thinking, assuming we choose to do so. Just as his father Ikbal Ali Shah and his brother Idries Shah produced a body of literature, Omar Ali-Shah has produced a body of documents which reconcile our own disturbed and anguished epoch with a way of thinking and teaching that has existed since the dawn of mankind. Amazon link - https://www.amazon.com/Course-Seeker-Omar-Ali-Shah/dp/2909347052/
On the Path of the Friend by Rahal Eks - This memoir follows the author's spiritual and physical journey between the East and the West, the different personalities who guided him along the way, and the final spiritual rebirth that surpassed his wildest expectations. Jump on this wild spiritual caravan from Europe to Africa and to the Americas and back. Amazon link - https://www.amazon.com/Path-Friend-Memoir-Rahal-Eks/dp/0980013852/
Daughter of Fire by Irina Tweedie - This diary spans five years, making up an amazing record of spiritual transformation: the agonies, the resistance, the long and frightening bouts with the purifying forces of Kundalini, the perseverance, the movements towards surrender, the longing, and finally, the all-consuming love. Amazon link - https://www.amazon.com/Daughter-Fire-Spiritual-Training-Master/dp/0963457454/
Masnavi by Rumi - The Masnavi is an extensive poem written in Persian by Jalal al-Din Muhammad Balkhi, also known as Rumi. The Masnavi is one of the most influential works of Sufism, often called "the Quran in Persian" and has powerful messages. There are many English translations, so choose one. Read for free from Archive. Archive link - https://archive.org/details/MasnaviByRumiEnglishTranslation/page/n235/mode/2up
Sufism Ecstasy by BBC - A fascinating documentary on Sufism and modern Egypt. BBC Arabic’s documentary ‘Sufi Ecstasy’ sheds light on the social and spiritual relevance of ‘mawlid’ festivals, and their place today within Egyptian and Islamic culture. In Arabic with English subtitles. Watch on BBC’s YouTube channel - https://youtu.be/UqKXX9PcV3I
In Search of Ahmadou Bamba by Search for Uhuru - Cheikh Ahmadou Bamba also known as Khādimu 'r-Rasūl or "The Servant of the Messenger" and Sëriñ Tuubaa or "Sheikh of Tuubaa", was a Sufi religious leader in Senegal and the founder of the large Mouride order. Here’s a personal journey into his legacy. Watch on YouTube - https://youtu.be/h5YET0U8kyE
Living From the Heart by by Chuck Davis and Netanel Miles-Yépez - A documentary on the legacy of Hazrat Inayat Khan, the Indian Sufi who went to the West to introduce Chishti Sufism to a new audience. Watch on the Inayati YouTube account - https://youtu.be/brNla0Y-vlg
Interview with Dr. Javed Nurbakhsh - The final interview with Dr. Javad Nurbakhsh, Master of the Nimatullahi Sufi Order for over 50 years. The Iranian-born Sufi Master lived in the UK until his death in 2008. In the videos, Dr. Nurbakhsh is seated with his heir and successor, Dr. Alireza Nurbakhsh, the present Master of the Nimatullahi order. Watch on Nimatullahi Order website - https://www.nimatullahi.org/sufi-discourses/interviews/
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